The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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478 lines
0200 akris {ak-rece'}
apparently from the same as 206; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - locust (4)
1) a locust, particularly that species which especially infests
oriental countries, stripping fields and trees. Numberless
swarms of them almost every spring are carried by the wind
from Arabia into Palestine, and having devastated that country,
migrate to regions farther north, until they perish by falling
into the sea. The Orientals accustomed to feed upon locusts,
either raw or roasted and seasoned with salt (or prepared in
other ways), and the Israelites also were permitted to eat
0201 akroaterion {ak-ro-at-ay'-ree-on}
from 202; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n n
AV - place of hearing (1)
1) a place set aside for hearing and deciding cases
0202 akroates {ak-ro-at-ace'}
from akroaomai (to listen, apparently an intens. of 191);
TDNT - omitted,omitted; n m
AV - hearer (4)
1) a place set aside for hearing and deciding cases
0203 akrobustia {ak-rob-oos-tee'-ah}
from 206 and probably a modified form of posthe (the penis or
male sexual organ); TDNT - 1:225,36; n f
AV - uncircumcision (16)
- being circumcised (2)
- uncircumcised + 2192 (1)
- though not circumcised (1) [20]
1) having the foreskin, uncircumcised, a Gentile
2) a condition in which the corrupt desires rooted in the flesh
were not yet extinct
0204 akrogoniaios {ak-rog-o-nee-ah'-yos}
from 206 and 1137; TDNT - 1:791,137; adj
AV - chief corner (2)
1) placed at an extreme corner, the corner foundation-stone
0205 akrothinion {ak-roth-in'-ee-on}
from 206 and this (a heap); TDNT - omitted,omitted; n n
AV - spoils (1)
1) top of the heap, the first fruits, best of the spoils
2) the Greeks customarily selected from the topmost part of the
heaps and offered this to the gods.
0206 akron {ak'-ron}
neuter of an adj. probably akin to the base of 188;
TDNT - omitted,omitted; adj
AV - uttermost part (2)
- one end (1)
- other + 846 (1)
- tip (1)
- top (1) [6]
1) the farthest bounds, uttermost parts, end, of the earth, of
0207 Akulas {ak-oo'-las}
probably for Latin aquila (an eagle); TDNT - omitted,omitted; n pr m
AV - Aquila (6)
1) Aquila, a Jew whom Paul found at Corinth on his arrival from
Athens. He was a native of Pontus, but had fled with his wife,
Priscilla, from Rome, in consequence of an order of Claudius,
commanding all Jews to leave the city. He became acquainted
with Paul, and they abode together, and worked at their common
trade of making the Cilician tent or hair-cloth. On the
departure of the Apostle from Corinth, a year and a half
later, Priscilla and Aquila accompanied him to Ephesus. There
they remained, and there they taught Apollos. When they became
Christians is not known.
0208 akuroo {ak-oo-ro'-o}
from 1 (as a negative particle) and 2964; TDNT - 3:1098,494; vb
AV - make of none effect (2)
- disannul (1) [3]
1) to render void, deprive of force and authority
0209 akolutos {ak-o-loo'-toce}
adverb from a compound of 1 (as a negative particle) and a
derivative of 2967; TDNT - omitted,omitted; adv
AV - no man forbidding him (1)
1) without hindrances, freely
0210 akon {ak'-ohn}
from 1 (as a negative particle) and 1635; TDNT - 2:469,221; adj
AV - against (one's) will (1)
1) not of one's own will, unwillingly, against the will
0211 alabastron {al-ab'-as-tron}
neuter of alabastros (of uncertain derivation), the name of a
stone; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n n
AV - alabaster box (3)
- box (1) [4]
1) a box made of alabaster
2) the ancients considered alabaster to be the best material in
which to preserve their ointments. Breaking the box, probably
means breaking the seal of the box.
0212 alazoneia {al-ad-zon-i'-a}
from 213; TDNT - 1:226,36; n f
AV - boasting (1)
- pride (1) [2]
1) empty, braggart talk
2) an insolent and empty assurance, which trusts in its own
power and resources and shamefully despises and violates
divine laws and human rights
3) an impious and empty presumption which trusts in the
stability of earthy things
0213 alazon {al-ad-zone'}
from ale (vagrancy); TDNT - 1:226,36; n m
AV - boaster (2)
1) an empty pretender, a boaster
0214 alalazo {al-al-ad'-zo}
from alale ( a shout, "halloo"); TDNT - 1:227,36; vb
AV - wail (1)
- tinkle (1) [2]
1) to repeat frequently the cry "alala" as soldiers entering
into battle
2) to utter a joyful sound
3) to wail, lament
4) to ring loudly, to clang
0215 alaletos {al-al'-ay-tos}
from 1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 2980;
TDNT - omitted,omitted; adj
AV - which cannot be uttered (1)
1) not to be uttered, not expressed in words
0216 alalos {al'-al-os}
from 1 (as a negative particle) and 2980; TDNT - omitted,omitted; adj
AV - dumb (3)
1) speechless, dumb, wanting the faculty of speech
0217 halas {hal'-as}
from 251; TDNT - 1:228,36; n n
AV - salt (8)
1) salt with which food is seasoned and sacrifices are sprinkled
2) those kinds of saline matter used to fertilise arable land
3) salt is a symbol of lasting concord, because it protects food
from putrefaction and preserves it unchanged. Accordingly, in
the solemn ratification of compacts, the orientals were, and
are to this day, accustomed to partake of salt together
4) wisdom and grace exhibited in speech
0218 aleipho {al-i'-fo}
from 1 (as particle of union) and the base of 3045; TDNT - 1:229,37
AV - anoint (9)
1) to anoint
0219 alektorophonia {al-ek-tor-of-o-nee'-ah}
from 220 and 5456; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - cockcrowing (1)
1) the crowing of a cock or rooster, cock-crowing
0220 alektor {al-ek'-tore}
from (to ward off); TDNT - omitted,omitted; n m
AV - cock (12)
1) a cock, or male of any bird, a rooster
0221 Alexandreus {al-ex-and-reuce'}
from (the city so called); TDNT - omitted,omitted; n m
AV - Alexandrian (1)
- born at Alexander + 1085 (1) [2]
1) a native or resident of Alexandria in Eygpt
0222 Alexandrinos {al-ex-an-dree'-nos}
from the same as 221; TDNT - omitted,omitted; adj
AV - of Alexandria (2)
1) a native or resident of Alexandria in Eygpt
2) of Alexandria or belonging to Alexandria
0223 Alexandros {al-ex'-an-dros}
from the same as (the first part of) 220 and 435;
TDNT - omitted,omitted; n pr m
AV - Alexander (6)
1) son of Simon of Cyrene who carried Jesus's cross, Mk 15:21
2) a certain man of the kindred of the high priest, Acts 4:6
3) a certain Jew, Acts 19:33
4) a certain coppersmith who opposed the Apostle Paul, 1 Ti.
0224 aleuron {al'-yoo-ron}
from aleo (to grind); TDNT - omitted,omitted; n n
AV - meal (2)
1) wheat flour, meal
0225 aletheia {al-ay'-thi-a}
from 227; TDNT - 1:232,37; n f
AV - truth (107)
- truly + 1909 (1)
- true (1)
- verity (1) [110]
1) verity, truth
1a) what is true in any matter under consideration
1b) what is true in things appertaining to God and the duties
of man
2) truth as a personal excellence; that candour of mind which is
free from affection, pretence, simulation, falsehood, deceit
0226 aletheuo {al-ayth-yoo'-o}
from 227; TDNT - 1:232,37; vb
AV - tell the truth (1)
- speak the truth (1) [2]
1) to speak or tell the truth
0227 alethes {al-ay-thace'}
from 1 (as a negative particle) and 2990; TDNT - 1:232,37; adj
AV - true (23)
- truly (1)
- truth (1) (25)
1) true
2) loving the truth, speaking the truth, truthful
0228 alethinos {al-ay-thee-nos'}
from 227; TDNT - 1:232,37; adj
AV - true (27)
1) that which has not only the name and resemblance, but the
real nature corresponding to the name, in every respect
corresponding to the idea signified by the name, real, true
1a) opposite to what is fictitious, counterfeit, imaginary,
simulated or pretended
1b) it contrasts realities with their semblances
1c) opposite to what is imperfect defective, frail, uncertain
2) true, veracious, sincere
0229 aletho {al-ay'-tho}
from the same as 224; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - grinding (2)
1) to grind. It was the custom to send women and female slaves
to the mill-houses to turn the hand mills.
0230 alethos {al-ay-thoce'}
adverb from 227; TDNT - omitted,omitted; adv
AV - of a truth (6)
- indeed (6)
- surely (3)
- truly (2)
- very (1)
- misc (3) [21]
1) truly, of a truth, in reality, most certainly
0231 halieus {hal-ee-yoos'}
from 251; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n m
AV - fishers (4)
- fishermen (1) [5]
1) a fisherman, fisher
0232 halieuo {hal-ee-yoo'-o}
from 231; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - a fishing (1)
1) to fish
0233 halizo {hal-id'-zo}
from 251; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - to salt (3)
1) to salt, season with salt, sprinkle with salt
0234 alisgema {al-is'-ghem-ah}
from alisgeo (to soil); TDNT - omitted,omitted; n n
AV - pollution (1)
1) pollution, condemnation
0235 alla {al-lah'}
neuter plural of 243; TDNT - omitted,omitted; conj
AV - but (573)
- yea (15)
- yet (11)
- nevertheless (10)
- howbeit (8)
- nay (4)
- therefore (3)
- save (2)
- not translated (2)
- misc (8) [636]
1) but
1a) nevertheless, notwithstanding
1b) an objection
1c) an exception
1d) a restriction
1e) nay, rather, yea, moreover
1f) forms a transition to the cardinal matter
0236 allasso {al-las'-so}
from 243; TDNT - 1:251,40; vb
AV - change (6)
1) to change, to exchange one thing for another, transform
0237 allachothen {al-lakh-oth'-en}
from 243; TDNT - omitted,omitted; adv
AV - some other way (1)
1) from another place
0238 allegoreo {al-lay-gor-eh'-o}
from 243 and agoreo (to harangue [compare 58]); TDNT - 1:260,42; vb
AV - be an allegory (1)
1) to speak allegorically or in a figure
0239 allelouia {al-lay-loo'-ee-ah}
of Hebrew origin [imperative of 1984 and 3050]; TDNT - 1:264,43;
interj imper
AV - alleluia (4)
1) praise ye the Lord, Hallelujah
0240 allelon {al-lay'-lone}
Gen. plural from 243 reduplicated; TDNT - omitted,omitted; pron pl
AV - one another (76)
- themselves (12)
- yourselves (3)
- misc (9) [100]
1) one another, reciprocally, mutually
0241 allogenes {al-log-en-ace'}
from 243 and 1085; TDNT - 1:264,43; adj
AV - stranger (1)
1) sprung from another race, a foreigner, alien
0242 hallomai {hal'-lom-ahee}
middle voice of apparently a primary verb; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - leap (2)
- spring up (1) [3]
1) to spring up, gush up,
0243 allos {al'-los}
a primary word; TDNT - 1:264,43; adj
AV - other(s) (81)
- another (62)
- some (11)
- one (4)
- misc (2) [160]
1) another, other
0244 allotriepiskopos {al-lot-ree-ep-is'-kop-os}
from 245 and 1985; TDNT - 2:599,244; n m
AV - a busybody in other men's matters (1)
1) one who takes the supervision of affairs pertaining to others
and in no wise to himself, a meddler in other men's affairs
0245 allotrios {al-lot'-ree-os}
from 243; TDNT - 1:264,43; adj
AV - stranger (4)
- another man's (4)
- strange (2)
- other men's (2)
- other (1)
- alien (1) [14]
1) belonging to another
2) foreign, strange, not of one's own family, alien, an enemy
0246 allophulos {al-lof'-oo-los}
from 243 and 5443; TDNT - 1:264,43; adj
AV - one of another nation (1)
1) foreign
0247 allos {al'-loce}
adverb from 243; TDNT - omitted,omitted; adv
AV - otherwise (1)
1) otherwise
0248 aloao {al-o-ah'-o}
from the same as 257; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - tread out the corn (2)
- thresh (1) [3]
1) to thresh
0249 alogos {al'-og-os}
from 1 (as a negative particle) and 3056; TDNT - 4:69,505; adj
AV - unreasonable (1)
- brute (2) [3]
1) destitute of reason
2) contrary to reason, absurd